Haberdashery Online is one of the most popular of all our ranges and it is no surprise when you see the huge selection of fantastic products we have available for purchase. Our team of buyers always have their finger on the pulse when it comes to the most popular and top of the range items of Haberdashery Online and work hard to bring you the very best quality products at the most reasonable prices. Recently, our selection of haberdashery has expanded with new lines being added on almost a weekly basis. Here is a run down of some of our most popular new items: Cuffing - composed of an excellent quality 100% polyester knit, our brand new selection of cuffing [caption id="attachment_8235" align="alignright" width="168"]An example of our brand new cuffing in bright red. An example of our brand new cuffing in bright red.[/caption] has proven to be extremely popular. This is the item of Haberdashery Online that has been most requested over the last few months. As the name suggests, cuffing is used for re-enforcing the cuffs of clothing items such as hoodies, tracksuit tops and jackets. Benefitting from a slight element of stretch, our cuffing will ensure a comfortable, snug gift around ankles and wrists which is perfect when you are creating items of outdoor clothing designed for the cooler weather as it will prevent any chill from sneaking up your arms and legs! Bridal Trimming - although we may be well outside of what we consider to "wedding season" our selection of bridal Haberdashery Online is still as popular as ever. We have recently added a selection of beautiful bridal trims to this range; available in a selection of gorgeous colour options and delicate designs, bridal trim is perfect for adding a romantic touch to your wedding day accessories and is often found on pageantry items such as a beautiful veil or traditional garter. Many creative brides also choose to include bridal trims on items such as hand tied bouquets or stylish accessories including handbags and purses. If there is any item of Haberdashery Online that you would like to see in stock please do not hesitate to contact us and our team of talented and dedicated buyers will do their very best to bring it to you.