Window Dressing

  1. Enhanced Living Net Curtains

    Over the past few weeks we have been enjoying some sunshine and hot weather which for most people is a welcome change from the cold, wet weather of Great Britain. However, for some people the hot weather can bring its own issues such as a high pollen count which causes problems for hayfever sufferers. Research carried out in a new...
  2. Modern Net Curtain Designs

    A few weeks ago I wrote about our new range of Net Curtains that were being added to our already extensive selections of Nets at Calico Laine. These have now arrived in our warehouse and we have some fabulous new designs. When most people think of Net Curtains, they have an image in their head of older people and retirement...
  3. Net Curtains : New Year Interior Design

    Now Christmas is out of the way, all of your presents are unwrapped and the decorations are back in the loft until next year, this is the time of year when many of us start to feel a little low. The nights are dark and cold and now all of the twinkly lights of Christmas have been extinguished for another...
  4. Choose Nets for your Home!

    Net Curtains not only have a practical use of providing you with privacy, we offer some stunning designs so you can continue your taste through to your window space. Here at Fabric-world we strive to bring you the most up to date collections and also cater for all tastes whether you are a traditional person, or you go for the...

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