At Calico Laine we primarily stock dressmaking fabrics and this is what we specialise in. We do however have a select number of products that can be used for household furnishing and one of the most popular of these is our baize fabric. Baize is usually a woollen cloth or wool mix fabric that does not have a nap which gives it a smooth finish to the cloth. Due to this smooth finish, it is ideal for covering card tables and pool tables something we are asked for regularly at Calico Laine. Baize is a strong and durable fabric is ideal for using on a card table as it will last well over the years. Both card and pool table tops will be handled a lot due to the nature of the games that are played on them therefore it is important to have fabrics covering them that will last through the years. Baize fabric is also useful for this kind of project as it is does not pill or bobble which a cheaper felt fabric may do over time. Baize fabric is most commonly found in a bottle green colour however here at Calico Laine we do not only stock this colour but have four colours in the range. Our baize is available in royal blue, red and emerald green as well as the traditional bottle green. Available in a width of 183cm, this size would suit most table widths. As well as for table tops, we regularly recommend baize fabric for lining cutlery drawers and the insides of cupboards. Baize can be cut precisely using craft knifes or rotary cutters which makes it an ideal fabric for the inside of cupboards where precision is needed. It will provide a protective surface for cutlery drawers and due to its durability it will last well in your kitchen. Baize fabric does not come with an adhesive backing and we would usually suggest using a spray adhesive to stick it down as this will give you a smooth finish. This can be bought in our Calico Laine retail stores.