Many customers Buy Net Curtains for more than simply aesthetic reasons and they are often used as a way of providing extra privacy for their home. Nets can be used along with ready made curtains to give an extra layer of window dressing without being as obtrusive as blinds. Our customers Buy Net Curtains as a cheap way of covering their windows to obscure people's view into their home. Net Curtains are ideal for this as they are light enough to still allow sunlight to come through the window but also give enough coverage for people not to see in to their home. They are perfect if you are living close to the street or if you are on a ground floor flat as it deters people from looking in. The best designs to choose for extra privacy are those with a large pattern to them as this will provide extra coverage at your window. Designs such as Damask are ideal for this as they have a heavy pattern to them and when gathered will provide a lot of coverage. We usually suggest doubling your window measurements to allow for gather however if you want extra privacy you can times your measurement by up to three times. If you are looking to Buy Net Curtains simply to diffuse the light coming into your window you may wish to choose plainer curtains such as our plain net curtain design. These can provide coverage during the day if your house is set further back from the road and are needed while your heavier curtains are open during the day. You can also Buy Net Curtains to be used as a transition window dressing if you are moving into a new house. If you have not yet got around to buying and hanging curtains, nets can be used as a quick and easy way to provide window coverage while you are decorating your home. These can be hung easily using net wire, tension rods or net rods.