Sequins always catch everyones eye and stand out on any decoration. They are a perfect feature for all Craft projects and can be used by everyone. Sequins are usually disc shaped beads but often come in many geometrical shapes as well as being available in a variety of designs and colours. Sequins are made from plastic as opposed to metal when they were first invented and can be used for many decorative purposes and Craft projects. The tale of Sequins relates back to a coin named 'Sikka' used back in ancient Mediterranean to embellish womens clothes. These become more of a fashion statement as the years went by and have gone on to become much more popular in recent years. Many people often now use Sequins to embellish old accessories and garments making them more attractive and eye catching for people to see. Sequins are also great for using as embellishments when creating a fancy dress costume as they are perfect for achieving that exciting and creative look. [caption id="attachment_7054" align="alignleft" width="210"]Blue Sequins Blue Sequins[/caption] Here at Calico Laine we have recently stocked many different sequins into our Crafts section including Sequin Packets and Sequin Sets. All the Sequin packets available in our Craft Beads section are 6mm round and come in a large range of different colours with glittery and metallic effects. These are available in three different sized packets for you to choose from. Our Sequin Sets contain three boxes of disc shaped sequins in many different colours and designs of glittery, matte and metallic looks. Each set is colour co-ordinated so they are perfect for Craft projects. [caption id="attachment_7055" align="alignright" width="210"]Sequin Set Sequin Set[/caption] Sequins also have many other uses including stationary Crafts and general Craft projects even though there most popular use is to embellish items. Sequins are fairly easy stitched to a fabric and can be sewn flat so they do not move or can be stitched at one point so they create a dangle effect on the chosen garment. Sequins are also available to all ages because of the variety of Craft Projects they are used for. If you have recently used Sequins to embellish your garments and accessories please share a picture on our Facebook page. Also come down to one of our stores to see our variety of Sequins available in our Craft section.