So with it being a fresh new year, we understand the need for a new hobby. Obviously we can't help you out if you're looking to start up a new sport like football or rugby, thats not our niche. However, if you fancy a dabble in some fun Crafts or dressmaking we can most definitely help you! Whether you would like to start Crafting things like celebratory cards, maybe for birthdays, christmas or even invitations for weddings we have it all, we stock a big variety of excellent quality cards and envelopes suitable for these fun projects. I think it is hard to believe that not everybody makes their own cards because not only do they tend to look fantastic, the person receiving them always seems to appreciate them just that little bit more than a shop bought greeting card. Handmade cards are always a popular project that a lot of people take up as a new hobby as they are a fun and easy Craft Here at Calico Laine we understand the desire to want to create something beautiful, something that is like no other and something that is completely made by you! With the demand for handmade, designer look pieces at affordable prices rising, creating your own dresses is becoming an increasingly popular pastime. Many people are beginning to take up dressmaking, myself included, as it is the perfect new hobby for all fashionistas out there. What I love about dressmaking is that once you know how to follow a pattern and create simple designs you can then try to create your own. By creating your own patterns it is allowing your inspiration and creativity to flow freely and it is also a more cost effective way to make your own items of clothing! So if you decide to give Crafting or dressmaking a go this year, why not post it to our Facebook? We'd love to see!