Taffeta is a beautiful quality fabric and can be used for many dressmaking projects. At Calico Laine we sell a German made high quality taffeta that is a perfect weight for dressmaking with. When you shop around and look at different taffeta there is a real mix of different qualities out there. When looking at taffeta for dressmaking with you need to be looking for something with a bit of body and also texture. These are always a good sign of high quality taffeta and something you should try and find. Taffeta fabrics can also be used as window decoration and for curtains, although the range of taffeta that we sell here at Calico Laine is more of a dressmaking weight cloth. It is 150cm wide and made from 100% polyester. Below I have inserted a couple of pictures of some of our taffeta. [caption id="attachment_5481" align="alignleft" width="150"]Deep Turquoise Taffeta Deep Turquoise taffeta at Calico Laine.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5480" align="alignleft" width="150"]Hyacinth Dressmaking Taffeta at Calico Laine Hyacinth taffeta is 150cm wide.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_5482" align="alignleft" width="150"]Lilac Taffeta from Calico Laine Stunning Lilac Taffeta at Calico Laine.[/caption]               Have you ever used taffeta that you have purchased from us? If so what did you make? It would be great if you shared your thoughts and comments in the box below. Alternatively, why not upload a picture of your creations to our Facebook or Twitter pages? We love hearing from our customers and seeing how creative you are! Until next time, Calico Laine