One of the newest additions to our website is our wool and tools suitable for felt Crafts. This has become a popular Craft since Kirstie Allsopp tried it out on her series 'Homemade Home' and showed how easy it was to do. It is an easy Craft to do with the kids or to master as an adult and you can create a number of interesting effects. On Kirstie's programme, she worked on the Craft of needle felting which is a way of creating felt without water. This technique is a quick way to create a design or embellishment onto a plain felt fabric or for creating 3D pieces. Using special needles with 'barbs' along them, the top fibres are pushed through the top fabric and locked into the base layer. Once the fibres are compressed together they create a strong felt which can be used to make sculpture, jewellery and small accessories. This technique requires a block to work upon. This can be a large foam block however most crafters like to use a needle felting mat that is created with using long bristles which the needle can be pushed into easily. Another way to create felt and a great Craft to try with the kids is wet felting. Wet felting is the process of combining wool yarns to create one flat piece of felt fabric. Using our balls of felt wool, pieces of felt can be created in a variety of different colours and patterns. With wet felting, hot soapy water is used along with some friction to fuse the fibres together to make the piece of fabric. Kids will love this Craft as they can create pictures and patterns with the different coloured wools, in essence, it is like painting with wool. Have you ever tried any felt Crafts? We would love to see your pictures of any projects you may have completed. Please share your pictures and any tips on our Facebook page.