For dressmakers, it is not only fabric which is an important aspect to consider when embarking on a new project; in order to ensure that you achieve the best possible results from your projects you will want to take great care in ensuring that you have a wide selection of Haberdashery items in your tool kit. Whether you are an experienced dressmaker working on a range of commissioned items for customers or a hobby sewist looking to replenish your tool kit it is important that you purchase the very best quality Haberdashery items available to you. Here at Calico Laine we carry a huge array of dressmaking tools perfect for anybody who loves to sew regardless of your level of skill: Scissors - possibly the most important item of Haberdashery in a dressmakers tool kit, it is important to ensure that you have a pair of excellent quality scissors to hand before embarking on a new project and it is imperative that these scissors are specially designed for dressmaking. It can be tempting to reach for a pair of scissors you already own however this will result in a jagged fabric edge at best and at worst, fabric that is damaged and unusable. Our staff are particularly fond of fiskars scissors which are available for both right and left handed dressmakers. For anybody who is just starting out in the world of sewing and dressmaking a new pair of good quality dressmaking scissors are a real investment and we always recommend purchasing the best quality scissors that you can budget for. In order to keep your scissors in good working order it is important to maintain them which is why we stock a range of scissor accessories. Regular sharpening, cleaning and oiling of your scissors will ensure that your scissors will last you for many years and projects. [caption id="attachment_9070" align="alignleft" width="300"]haberdashery-300x300 Good quality Haberdashery is essential for any dressmaking project.[/caption] Zips - perhaps our most popular item of Haberdashery, zips are used by dressmakers for a number of handmade items including coats, jackets, dresses and jeans. Not only a functional item, zips have been experiencing as surge in popularity as a decorative addition to clothing items such as dresses and skirts. We carry a wide range of zips suitable for a number of applications including concealed zips, open end zips for jackets and coats and replacement trousers zips. Of course, nobody likes having to repeatedly replace a zip or being unable to wear your favourite item due to a dysfunctional fastening which is why we source all of our zips from renowned manufacturers such as YKK and Trebla so you can be sure that you are purchasing the very highest quality zip for a long lasting item. Threads - our impressive selection of threads is one of the biggest on the market today and includes threads in a huge array of colours and strengths. When selecting your thread you must first consider which type of thread is most suitable for the project in hand. If you are working with lightweight fabrics you will require a fine thread however if your project calls for a heavier weight fabric such as leather or suede you will want to select a stronger thread which will be capable of holding the weight of your fabric. Gutermann top-stitch thread is the ideal choice for heavier fabrics and is often used for items such as jeans and bags. Gutermann sew-all is our biggest selling thread and is what we would consider an "all-round' thread as it is compatible with most fabrics and is available in a huge selection of colours.  Dressmaking Pins - an important item of Haberdashery for any dressmaking projects pins are primarily used for holding fabric in place to ensure precision cutting of your fabric. Many dressmakers will choose to pin together their garment before sewing in order to get a good idea of how it will look and fit thus enabling you to make the required changes prior to sewing, eliminating the need to un-pick seams. Our range of dressmakers pins includes sequin and bead pins, plastic head quilting pins, bridal and lace pins and many more. The prym magnetic pin cushion is an essential item of Haberdashery and is ideal for keeping track of your dressmaking pins whilst in storage and whilst you are sewing.