Around this time of year, even adults may start making a Christmas list for things they might like their family to get them for the holidays. Already we have heard customers discussing Haberdashery Supplies that they would like Santa to bring for their sewing box. The number one item that people would like is a good quality pair of dressmaking scissors. [caption id="attachment_8060" align="alignleft" width="300"]scissors We carry a wide variety of excellent quality scissors.[/caption] Here at Calico Laine we have a large selection of shears within our Haberdashery Supplies and the pair that I would always suggest as a good buy above all other is the fishers 25cm dressmaking scissors. These are the ones that we use on a daily basis to cut all of our fabric for online and instore orders. They are a good size for fabric cutting and will give a clean, sharp cut through most fabrics. Fiskars also give a lifetime guarantee and we also have scissor sharpeners in our Haberdashery Supplies that are specifically made for these blades. If you are looking for a good pair of dressmaking shears, I would put these at the top of the list. Another item that some people would like for Christmas is a good pair of pinking shears. These can be an expensive item and one that you may not buy yourself so would be an ideal treat for a sewing enthusiasts christmas present. Again, fiskars do an excellent quality pair which can be adjusted for better cutting action on different fabrics and have ergonomic handles for a comfortable fit. So if you are a dressmaker looking for a treat at Christmas, you know what to ask for!