Next week will see lots of people celebrating the year's biggest day of romance, St Valentine's Day, on the 14th of February. It is a day that has been celebrated for hundreds of years and is the perfect occasion to show your partner just what they mean to you. Although the majority of people will buy presents from the shops it is just that little more special when your gift or card is handmade. At Calico Laine we have a number of Haberdashery items that can be used to create a personal and individual gift or card for your loved one. [caption id="attachment_8472" align="alignleft" width="240"]Red Hearts Ribbon Valentines Haberdashery[/caption] Your valentine's card will mean that little bit more when it is handmade as it shows that you have really put some effort and thought into it. In the ribbon section of our Haberdashery collection we have a number of valentine's themed ribbons which can be used as a border across your card. They are available in both modern and traditional designs whatever your taste may be and feature hearts and wording such as 'all my love' and 'love you'. These Haberdashery items can also be used to wrap up gifts or for valentine's day themed decor. Other items that can be used for creating cards include our range of decorative flowers which can be used as a central decoration on a valentines card. Some people also like to celebrate this holiday with their children as well as their partner and you may like to use some of our Haberdashery items to decorate and theme items to this special day. We have a beautiful range of printed cotton bias featuring hearts which is ideal for creating valentines themed items. This bias binding can be used a trimming around a cotton bag or as an edging around a child's dress or skirt. For another way to add hearts to your project you could also try some of our colour snap fasteners available in a heart shape. These come in different colours including, red, pink, blue and green however the red and pink would be the most traditional. These can be used as an alternative to buttons or as a simple decoration. If you have handmade valentine's day presents previously using Haberdashery we would love to see your creations. Please share your pictures on our Facebook page for us to see!