Today's guest blog post is from our latest twitter and Facebook competition, our lucky winner is going to share with you a 'how to' on repairing stitching in your jeans, we hope you enjoy as much as we did. "I recently found a great pair of Ralph Lauren jeans in a charity shop, for just £4! They are in great condition, and they fit like a well fitting pair of trousers! (I would have said a glove, but I have only the two legs). Anyway, the only damage to them, which honestly I didn’t notice until I got them home, was that some of the stitching around the fly had come undone. Fortunately, I could repair it, and I took some pictures at the same time! Standard sewing machines use a stitch called “lockstitch”. This is a two thread stitch in which the upper thread is pushed through the Fabric, looped around the lower thread, and then pulled back through the hole through which it came. This means that if either thread breaks, the other thread unravels, and that’s what happened here. It seems that the stitching has been broken by the buttonholes, as this had happened in two places in the same line of stitching. You need to repair the stitching, but it’s not necessary to match the thread- you want a much finer thread, and it will not be seen, so any colour will do. 1. Begin the repair by stitching the thread around the existing, broken thread, and pick up just a few strands of the fabric, without going all the way through. Do this for between five and 10 stitches- this will lock the broken thread in place and prevent it from undoing more stitching. 2. Now, judging from the existing stitch length on the face, push the Needle through the fabric about one stitch length from the last completed stitch. 3. Pull the needle through, move the loose top thread to one side, take the needle over the it, and then push it back through as close to where it came through as you can. Repeat steps two and three for as many stitches as necessary, being careful to leave the same distance between each stitch. Be sure to pull the Thread down fairly hard, so it doesn’t show on the top side. 4. Once you’ve done all the stitches, finish off in the same manner as step 1, being careful to fix the broken thread in place. Et voila! One super neat line of stitching! So that’s how I repaired my jeans! As long as the top thread isn’t broken, it saves the hassle of trying to match the thread colour, and results in a neat, strong line of stitching. If anyone’s got this problem but the top thread *is* broken, drop me an email or leave a comment, and I’ll post a tutorial on how to sort that out. I hope that helps! Leave a comment if you use this method" To read more from this blog author 'abeautifulpalegreen' please click here I hope you have enjoyed today’s blog and it has given you some ideas to help you with repairing your jeans, if you have any comments please feel free to leave them in the comments box below. You can also follow us on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Until next time, Calico Laine