The weeks of preparation have gone by and Christmas Day is finally here! No doubt you will all be enjoying a family, fun - filled day with a lovely turkey dinner to look forward to. Most of our customers will probably find themselves amongst handmade items that they have been working on through the year. Whether that be a handmade knitted jumper, a tablecloth and runner for the dinner table or some Christmas decorations for the tree. It has been a year to get creative and we hope that you have enjoyed using our website to make all of your projects. We would just like to take the opportunity to thank all of our customers, regular and new who have used our website and shops throughout the year. We really appreciate every sale no matter how big or small and hope that we can continue to provide good service to you all in the New Year. We wish you a very merry Christmas from all the staff at Calico Laine and hope that you have a great Christmas period and a fabulous New Year. To keep up to date with all our latest competitions and offers remember to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages. Until next time, Laura