Net Curtains are a really good and cost effective way to decorate your windows, here at Calico Laine we have a huge variety of Net Curtains available in store and online at Recently we have made all of our Net Curtains available to you in a bulk buy option as well as the individual metre price, it really depends how many windows you have to dress. If you do require a fair amount the bulk buy is definitely the option for you, this will save you around 10% off the metre price. Some of the most popular Net Curtains that we sell are the Grasmere and the Inverness. The Inverness Net is one of the newest designs that we stock but has already proven a massive hit with our customers, this is a 100% polyester white Net available in 11 different drops. The Grasmere is a fine Net with a thick band along the bottom giving this design a unique old fashioned look. Net Curtains are fast becoming more popular than blinds and Ready Made Curtains, this is because they are great value for money as well as being able to give you lots of privacy. With all of the Net Curtains that we sell online here at Calico Laine it is recommended that you double the amount required so that you achieve the effective fullness of the Net. I hope that you have enjoyed reading my blog today and that it has given you all of the information that you require about our range of Net Curtains that we have available at If you have any queries regarding any of our other products, please don’t hesitate to contact us and a member of our friendly sales team will be more than happy to help you! If you have any thoughts or ideas of your own, please feel free to leave them in the box below….and don’t forget to follow us on our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up to date with all the latest news and special offers! Until next time, Calico Laine