Now that we’re well into 2014, you might be thinking of doing some redecorating around your home. However, interior design can be expensive, so if you’re looking for something that will breathe new life into your home yet need something available at a fraction of the price of designer fabrics, why not take a look at our net curtains and jardinières? At Calico Laine, we have been selling net curtains and jardinières for many, many years, and they have always remained a popular choice for our customers. We also sell accessories that you may need for your nets, including (but not limited to) net wire, net rods and even voile panels if you are after something a little more colourful. With net curtains and jardinières, you are provided with privacy whilst still letting natural light into your room. In rooms such as bathrooms and bedrooms, privacy is essential; this is what makes our nets a great choice for interior decorating. They are also popular for kitchens and even lounges, as they won’t restrict your view from your windows either. If you require net curtains in large quantities, we also offer bulk buy options for nearly all of our designs on our website. These are great money-saving options for anyone requiring a large amount of net curtains, such as hotel chains, residential homes and bed-and-breakfast establishments. All of our net curtains and jardinières are available in several different drops, so once you know the dimensions of your window, you are set to buy your nets. We usually recommend that you buy your nets in double the width of your window, as this allows for a gather and looks great when finished. With so many different designs available here at Calico Laine, there is bound to be one to suit your tastes.