Not only do we stock a wonderful range of Dressmaking  fabrics here at fabric-world we have fabrics for quilting, knitting and various other products. Our range of Sheeting Fabric is idea to be made into tablecloths, linings and bedding. We have two choices of Sheeting, Poly Cotton Sheeting is made from 50% polyester and 50% cotton and is available choice of colours. The great thing about the Sheeting is that it is very wide at 94" (240cm) which is not only great value for money, but is great if you are making a sheet or double duvet cover! If you are planning a special event which has a colour scheme, you could use the Sheeting to dress your tables as there are some lovely colours to choose from! You could even use a couple of different colours on your bed sheets and make some lovely designs with your covers and pillow cases if you choose complimenting shades by cutting out various shapes such as flowers and swirls which will not only look great, you would have added your own personal touch which is always lovely.. If you are looking for a touch of luxury, Cotton Sheeting is a beautiful fabric. It is beautiful and soft to the touch and is available in three colour choices:
  • White
  • Ivory
  • Cream
Why not dye the Cotton Sheeting? We have a fantastic range of Dylon Dyes in a fantastic choice of colours. You could easily pick out the colour accents in your interior and transform the sheeting! You could tie-dye, or make up your very own colours for your bed covers and pillow cases. You could even make lightweight curtains with the Cotton Sheeting and dye them too so you can have everything coordinating! Also, to ensure you that you are always kept up to date with all the latest  news and special offers, remember to follow us on our Facebook and Twitter pages! Please do share any creations or ideas that you may have with any of our products by getting in contact or leaving any comments in the box below... Until next time, Calico Laine