When it comes to replacement zips there really is a huge choice available and it can quite easily become confusing. In my blog entry today I'm going to try and cover the different types of replacement zips and some of their intended uses. Hopefully by the end of this you may have a better understanding of replacement zips at Calico Laine. Open End Zips - as the name suggests, these zips open at both ends and are typically found in jackets, coats and cardigans. There is a large choice available in these zips in terms of what they are made out of and also the different sizes and colours. Closed End Zips - These are usually found in trousers, cushions and bags. They are closed end, meaning that they do not open or come apart at one end. As with the above zips, these also come in a massive selection of different colours, fibres and sizes. When it comes to choosing what size zip you need we often get ask how to measure for a replacement zip. The answer is fairly simple, you only measure the actual teeth and that gives you the size you need. Don't measure the cloth or fabric at the top of your zip. This does form part of the required measurement. Once you have measured for your zip you need to decide what finish your want. There is quite a variety available and these include metal zips, plastic and nylon zips. Please do note however, not all replacement zips come in all sizes, finished and colours. For more information on this please browse through our Zip section and you can check what's available. I hope my entry today has been of use to you and has made you life a little easier when it comes to zips! If you have used any of the above zips in your sewing and dressmaking projects then please do share your experiences and pictures with us on our Facebook and Twitter pages. We would love to hear from you and it also helps other customers and fans of our page with their projects, Until next time, Calico Laine