Gutermann Thread

  1. Don't forget your Gutermann Threads!

    When you are starting a new sewing project it is important to choose your fabric carefully but it is equally important to select the correct thread. Having the right thread will ensure that your project maintains a high quality and has a more professional finish overall. One of the best quality and most reliable are Gutermann Threads and with there vast...
  2. Gutermann Threads - Types of thread

    If you are looking for a good quality thread to sew hems, quilt or to use for embroidery then Gutermann Threads have the best range available. The German company Gutermann have been in business for over 150 years. All of there thread is of the highest quality which guarantees no snags or faults. Here at Calico Laine we always recommend Gutermann threads and we never hear...
  3. Gütermann Threads - Quality Thread

    Gütermann is a well established company that offers a brilliant range of Quality Thread. They began business back in 1864 when Max Gütermann founded Gütermann and Co in Vienna. Prior to 1873 threads had been sold by weight rather than length, but during the fifth world exhibition in Vienna this concept changed. Max Gütermann was awarded a Diploma of recognition because by selling thread in length rather than weight, customers...
  4. Gutermann Threads - Speciality Threads

    As a haberdashery supplier we are well known in our local area and online for offering a large range of Gutermann Threads. Gutermann are a German company and manufacturer high quality threads for all different types of sewing projects. The most popular in their range is the polyester sew-all thread which can be used for the majority of sewing projects...
  5. Gutermann Threads - High Quality Threads

    One of the most essential haberdashery items for any sewing or dressmaking project is thread. At Calico Laine we stock a number of branded threads including Gutermann Threads and feel that it is important to use the best thread possible for any project. After all, if you are spending a lot of time and effort creating something, you do not...
  6. Gutermann Threads

    Gutermann Threads are the most popular brand of threads we currently sell due to the quality, variety and colours available. Our gutermann threads come in a range of different styles including top stitch threads, all cotton threads and the most popular of them all the sew all threads which are ordered daily without fail. Customers love this thread as it...
  7. Gutermann Threads Online

    Gutermann Threads Online are the best selling collection of high quality sewing threads available to purchase on the market today. Our selection of Gutermann Threads Online includes a thread suitable for almost any sewing project. With so many Gutermann Threads available, making a selection can be somewhat daunting so we have put together this handy guide to make choosing your...

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