
  1. Haberdashery - Make Do and Mend

    In today's society there are a lot of cheap high street fashion stores which specialise in fast fashion meaning that most people will simply wear their clothes for one season and throw them away afterwards. This tends to mean that if the clothes get holes in them or zips break they are simply tossed aside as it is cheaper for...
  2. Dress Lining Fabric - An essential dressmaking fabric

    Dress Lining at Calico Laine One of the most important fabrics dressmakers may use in their work is Dress Lining Fabric. This material is used when making up a garment for a number of reasons and can be cheap way to achieve a high quality finish to your clothes. Dress lining is used underneath the outside layers of fabric on...
  3. Linen Fabric at Calico Laine

    Blades Linen Fabric With the weather getting colder and more wet going into the end of September you may not automatically think of buying Linen Fabric for your dressmaking as this is more of a summer fabric. Some of you however may be going away on holiday to get some much needed winter sun and this material is ideal...
  4. Satin Fabric - Christmas party outfits on a budget

    This morning, at Calico Laine, we have been discussing what to do for our Christmas party; I know it seems early but there are only 98 days left until the big day. When we have decided where to go, next comes the discussion of what everyone is going to wear and I am sure many of you will be looking...
  5. Power Net Fabric - Dance Wear

    Power Net Fabric is ideal for dance wear School holidays are well and truly over and it is that time of year again where the battle of the reality shows take place with X Factor and Strictly Come Dancing fighting for viewers week in and week out. A couple of weeks ago saw the launch of series 13 of...
  6. Chiffon Fabric - New Cationic Chiffon Shades

    Chiffon Fabric is one of our most popular sheer fabrics and a personal favourite of mine within our chiffon selection is cationic chiffon. Made in Indonesia, this fabric is beautifully soft and feels almost like silk to touch. It is great for evening wear dresses and special occasion wear as well being suitable for scarves and belts. Here at Calico Laine...
  7. Buy Zips for Dressmaking

    The majority of our customers buy our materials and haberdashery items online for dressmaking with lots of customers choosing to Buy Zips from us for items such as skirts and dresses. Online and in our retail stores we stock a large range of zips that are suitable for dressmaking with our most popular zips being our dress zips and concealed...
  8. Satin Fabric - Economy Satin for school plays

    It is the beginning of September and unfortunately the end of summer has come round and it is now time for the kids to go back to school. Before we know it, it will be time for Christmas and the kids will all be starring in their nativity and Christmas plays. We often get asked by schools for fabrics to...
  9. Bridal Fabrics - Matte Fabrics

    When you are planning your wedding, one of the biggest decisions you will make as a bride is what wedding dress you will choose. There are two main choices before you pick your final gown and this is whether you are going to buy off the rack or have a dress custom made for yourself. Many brides are choosing to...
  10. Haberdashery Online - Sewing Machine Accessories

    We often get asked for haberdashery items that can be used with a sewing machine such as bobbins, needles and bulbs. Customers in our local area can pick these up in our two retail stores on the Wirral however, customers who don't live in the area do not need to worry as we have lots of Haberdashery Online that can help...

Items 121 to 130 of 306 total


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