Calico Laine News

Calico Laine - Dressmaking and Haberdashery

  1. Dress fabrics, preparing you for Christmas

    Dress fabrics, preparing you for Christmas
    With Christmas fast approaching many of us have started thinking about outfits for all the various social occasions we have scheduled in to celebrate the festivities. Whether it's your work night out, a lunch with your family or a new Christmas day frock then now's the time to start looking at patterns and Dress Fabrics in order make your outfit perfect. The...
  2. Christmas Fabrics with Calico Laine

    Christmas Fabrics with Calico Laine
    I don't know about your household but every year in out house Cinnamon our naughty elf comes to visit every day through December. My kids absolutely love the elf's antics but as a parent it is actually really hard work trying to think up new ideas for the 4th or 5th year running. This year I'm determined to be super...
  3. Haberdashery, which machine needle?

    Haberdashery, which machine needle?
    Haberdashery can be a complicated subject as it covers to so many variables, choices, personal preferences and brands. It doesn't matter if you're a complete beginner or an experience dress maker, its very easy to get confused when buying sewing machine needles. The selection is vast and it can be overwhelming understanding the intricacies. I've had a look though out...
  4. Dressmaking Fabrics for beginners

    Dressmaking Fabrics for beginners
    If you're a beginner to sewing then you may feel a little over whelmed by all the different types Dressmaking Fabrics, patterns and haberdashery products. Obviously there are certain fabrics which are better suited for beginners and others your best avoiding at first. If you're just starting out then the first thing to do is decide what you want to make...
  5. Autumn fabrics online at Calico Laine

    Autumn fabrics online at Calico Laine
    Is it too soon the mention the dreaded C word? Lets be honest though, if you make a lot of your Christmas presents it's always sensible to start early because it will be here before you know it. There's nothing quite like a cosy evening in sorting through your Autumn Fabrics especially as the nights draw in and the weather...
  6. Haberdashery, new products by Vilene

    Haberdashery, new products by Vilene
    Vilene, also know as Vlieseline have been one of the international leader in producing Haberdashery products for over 60 years. The company, based in Germany employ's a group of people who are at the cutting edge of developments within the haberdashery trade, this enables Vilene to constantly introduce new lines and keep its audience intrigued and loyal to a name...
  7. Fabrics for the Autumn at Calico Laine

    Fabrics for the Autumn at Calico Laine
    Personally I just love the Autumn, there's something very cosy about the crisp mornings and the nights slowly drawing in. Obviously the change of seasons naturally leads to a change in our wardrobes, although there's something bright and cheerful about creating a summer wardrobe I love using nice warm cosy Autumn Fabrics. People quite often assume Autumn and Winter fabrics...
  8. School Essentials: Haberdashery

    School Essentials: Haberdashery
    School Essentials, Haberdashery: With the  changing of the seasons comes the start of a new school year. Some of our little ones aren't so little anymore and are making the big step from junior school to secondary. With this change comes a whole host of subjects and skills that they may never have experienced before, including textiles. Most schools now require...
  9. Alternative Bridal Fabrics at Calico Laine

    Alternative Bridal Fabrics at Calico Laine
    Its been an exciting year for the British public with another Royal wedding. Meghan Markle certainly lived up to all our expectations back in June, she was a stunning bride. Lets be realistic though, most of us don't have £200,000 to spend on a Givenchy dress. The same beautiful style can be recreated at a fraction of the price. If...
  10. Fabric Shop - New Dance Fabrics

    Fabric Shop - New Dance Fabrics
    Our Fabric Shop in Neston is one of the busiest outlet fabrics in the area and also comprises our bust mail order warehouse. Stretching over 4500 square feet our selection of goodies includes fabrics, haberdashery, crafts and so much more. Our Neston Fabric Shop is also open to the public so do feel free to come in and browse our...

Items 91 to 100 of 2064 total


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