Calico Laine News

Calico Laine - Dressmaking and Haberdashery

  1. How to use ribbons - Craft, glitter or Christmas

    How to use ribbons - Craft, glitter or Christmas
    Ribbons are an under rated piece of material in our eyes, and aren't given nearly as much attention as they deserve. With so many different ways that you can use ribbons in a variety of hobbies, they're useful to have around and very pretty to look at. So, with all of this in mind, we thought we'd show ribbons some...
  2. Dressmaking Fabric for New Year's Eve

    In the last few weeks, many of our customers and ourselves have been enjoying Christmas nights out. It is the time of year when everyone likes to dress up and wear something special; many choosing to wear something with a bit of sparkle. When customers make their own outfits for the party season, they tend to buy Dressmaking Fabric in advance...
  3. Dressmaking Fabric for New Year's Eve

    In the last few weeks, many of our customers and ourselves have been enjoying Christmas nights out. It is the time of year when everyone likes to dress up and wear something special; many choosing to wear something with a bit of sparkle. When customers make their own outfits for the party season, they tend to buy Dressmaking Fabric in advance...
  4. Our December Sale - 10% off EVERYTHING

    Our December Sale - 10% off EVERYTHING
    When buying fabric online during this time of year there can be no two better words to read than: 'December sale'. So we've decided that we want to treat you all to the chance to buy your Christmas and winter fabric online with us now for a discounted price! Amazing fabric sale online now If you need another reason to...
  5. Crafts for Christmas with Calico Laine

    Crafts For Christmas Christmas time is all about family, fun and laughter with lots of special little treats along the way. I love all creative things this time of year especially gift wrapping presents and creating beautiful christmas cards to give to family and friends, its the perfect season to go Crafts crazy! Here at Calico Laine we stock a...
  6. Bridal Fabrics - What style will you pick

    Weddings & Bridal Fabrics are big business now a days and people can spend an absolute fortune getting their ideal look. Although traditional styles are still very popular there are more and more people wanting a unique theme for their big day. A massive part of any wedding is of cause the brides dress and the bridesmaids. Choosing the right...
  7. Buy Zips for fastening your garments

    Fasteners are an essential part of dressmaking and there are a number of different types to choose from including press fasteners, buttons, Zips and velcro.  At Calico Laine we find that the majority of our customers Buy Zips to create a fastening in their garments. This makes them one of our best selling haberdashery products. Closed end Zips sold at Calico...
  8. Winter Dressmaking Fabrics - Calico Laine

    Dressmaking Fabrics our the most popular range of materials bought by our customers. We have found this to be the case because everybody wants their own unique clothing. Many people tend to create their own fashion inspired clothing pieces to save them cost and decision making as they are able to choose exactly what colour and design they want without...
  9. Christmas creations for kids

    Christmas creations for kids
    It's coming up to the time of year where the kids are spending more and more time indoors - we all know it's far too cold to be playing outside no matter how much you might want them to! So, to keep yours and their sanity, we thought a few simple Christmas creations for the kids to create could be...
  10. Top provider of crafts in Liverpool

    Top provider of crafts in Liverpool
    Our range of craft supplies in our stores is growing daily, as we keep on adding a wider selection of options for all of our crafty customers. From cards making supplies to paints and knitting needles, our selection is always expanding, so you won’t ever be missing out on important items.   Get all of your favourite craft supplies with...

Items 131 to 140 of 2056 total


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