
  1. Christmas & Dressmaking two of my favourite things

    The festive season is definitely my favourite time of year; I love all the decorations and nice things in the shop, the air of excitement and all the over-indulgent food. My very favourite part of Christmas is simply having a few days off work and enjoying precious time with my family and having some ‘me time’. When I say ‘me...
  2. Buy Fabrics at Calico Laine

    Even though Christmas has not yet left us for this year, your mind may be wandering towards your sewing projects of 2015 - with the New Year comes spring cleaning for a lot of people, and I am hoping to redecorate my bedroom using my favourite colours and fabrics to achieve the style that I envision. If you are thinking...
  3. Winter Dressmaking Fabrics at Calico Laine

    Christmas is nearly upon us! With less than a week to go, hopefully you have sorted all of your gift and food shopping. The tree is now lit up and dressed up with all of your best decorations - and speaking of dressed up, have you planned your outfit for the big day? If, like me, you're still puzzling on...
  4. My Favourite Dressmaking Fabrics at Calico Laine

    Being a total sewaholic, I have been asked what I would like for Christmas this year by family members - and my answer is fabric! I love to spend my spare time making clothing and costumes for myself and friends, and there are a few Dressmaking Fabrics that I choose to use over and over again in my sewing projects...
  5. Winter Dress Fabrics at Calico Laine

    Now that we are within a month of Christmas, you might have finished your Christmas shopping and preparations and are now after a dressmaking project to focus on while you wait for the big day to arrive. I love to spend my free time sewing anything and everything, and I have been looking into Dress Fabrics to use for clothing suitable to...
  6. Winter Dress Fabrics at Calico Laine

    With just over a month to go until Christmas, your mind might not be focused on your dressmaking projects - but if you're anything like me, you'll find that sometimes getting stuck into your crafty hobbies can be a relief from the stress that the big day can cause! In today's blog, I'll be talking about some Dress Fabrics that...
  7. Winter Dressmaking Fabrics at Calico Laine

    We are a week into November and the Christmas adverts are already on our televisions, the songs are playing in stores across the country and decorations are available to buy everywhere! Everyone is either starting to prepare or well on their way to being ready for the big day in December, and some of you might be thinking about clothing...
  8. Winter Dressmaking Fabrics at Calico Laine

    The cold weather is slowly descending, and now the clocks have finally gone back meaning the longer nights are here at last. If, like me, you’re someone who prefers to spend these darker evenings cosy in your home with your sewing machine, then you might be looking for some Dressmaking Fabrics that would be suitable for projects over the coming...
  9. Dress Fabric - Tartan Trends

    This winter tartan fabric has made a huge comeback in every way. People are wearing garments, footwear and accessories all with a tartan design. This is a trend that comes and goes every year and never goes out of fashion with many high street stores and top end designers. Here at Calico Laine we always notice this Dress Fabric become...
  10. Dressmaking Fabrics for Autumn/Winter

    As we bid a fond farewell to the long, balmy days of summer, our thoughts inevitably turn to our winter projects and Dressmaking Fabrics to keep both ourselves and our families warm through the colder months of winter. Although I do love my floaty summer dresses and sandals, winter dressmaking projects present the opportunity to experiment with a whole new...

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